United For ALICE@Work

ALICE@Work Unlocks Potential
In a world where hardworking individuals struggle to afford life’s essentials, it’s time to take action and make a change.
United For ALICE@Work helps businesses implement policies that enhance workforce success and sustainability. Partnering with local United Ways and forward-thinking companies, we help employers build strategies to reduce turnover, increase retention and boost engagement.
With 42% of U.S. households facing financial instability, ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) workers struggle daily to make ends meet. ALICE@Work responds by offering a comprehensive program for business leaders. The program helps employers understand their workforce through the lens of data and human experience, which fosters dignity, resilience and opportunity.
ALICE@Work provides key offerings, including:
- Company data report
- Dynamic, real-time course facilitation led by an expert trainer engages participants in interactive sessions, either virtually or in-person. This approach helps businesses refine internal strategies and gain deeper insights into employees' experiences, while ensuring responsiveness to participants' needs.
- 12-month engagement on action planning to support the implementation of new and adapted processes for ALICE workers.
- Successful completion of the course earns 12 SHRM credits.
Understanding The Basics
What is UnitedForALICE@Work ALICE Workers Our Solutions Resources to support you in making a difference for ALICE
Explore Employer Strategies
Find out how business leaders across the U.S. create workforce strategies and solutions that build resilience for employees.