Our Solutions

Our Approach
By focusing on ALICE, Local United Ways open new pathways to address community problems. The ALICE@Work journey enhances these efforts by developing a deeper understanding of the unique challenges ALICE workers face. Partnering with businesses, we can engage employees with fresh approaches to workforce policies, leveraging community involvement to discover more effective solutions. As participants progress through the course, we turn insights into impactful actions. This collective effort not only tackles immediate challenges but also fosters stronger, more connected and resilient communities for the future.
Here’s how we do it:
- Mobilize United Way Partners: Local United Ways use ALICE data to humanize the metrics, helping us see beyond the numbers and recognize the resilience of ALICE workers. By understanding their needs, aspirations, and challenges, we can create effective solutions.
- Engage Business Partners: We bridge the gap between business leaders and community needs, leveraging company insights to address workforce challenges.
- Collaborate to Solve Problems: We unite Local United Ways, business leaders, and community stakeholders to tackle pressing issues. Together, we can find innovative solutions and align company resources with community priorities.
- Empower Change through Action: ALICE@Work takes participants on a journey of discovery, starting with a company data analysis to uncover workforce specifics. Equipped with insights, we embark on a live, 12-hour adventure – a course that enlightens, sparks imagination and action, and ignites change. Finally, we craft Action Plans, opening doors to meaningful impact.
- SHRM Professional Development Credits: Approved by the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM), ALICE@Work offers 12 valuable SHRM credits upon completion.
Through partnerships with United Ways and business leaders, we build stronger, more resilient communities. Learn more about how we accomplish our goals through Data, Course Curriculum and Action Planning.